Yoga and Sound


Kaitlin is a multi-certified yoga instructor with a professional background in coaching. She loves working with people who are driven to reconnect with their body and discover new ways of being. Her greatest desire is to help clients feel safe, strong and more alive in their body.

Her background in coaching and instructing yoga for 15+ years gives her a keen eye for observing how bodies move and where they get stuck. With this information, she creates personalized yoga sequences, exercises, and sound healings to loosen tension and open energy centers in the body.

Meeting clients where they are at, she moves with them to develop a synergetic relationship. Her sessions are peppered with yogic wisdom and inspirational beats. She believes gentle nudges help clients ‘wake up’ and experience their entire body again. Clients can be sure to experience a full body exploration rewarded with a deeply relaxing sound bath upon conclusion of the session.

Her purpose as a yoga instructor is to help people feel better in their bodies, no matter what stage of life they are experiencing. Breathing in and saying yes is the first step. Movement forward is the second. Add music and sound to the mix and inspiration is bourne.

Yoga certifications
  • Ashtanga Yoga Primary Series – Tim Miller; Mt. Shasta Participant
  • Bikram Yoga – Bikram Choudry
  • Interdisciplinary – Nosara Yoga Institute


The purity of sound that crystal singing bowls emit instantly captures our attention, inviting us to experience one-pointed focus and concentration – the destination of yoga asana.

Sound waves and vibrations change the molecular structure of water, repatterining molecules into aligned patterns. Because the human body is made up of mostly water, we are impacted just the same.

As sound waves and vibrations enter the body, they penetrate down to the cellular level. Cells are re-set into their natural patterns, calming inflammation and relieving pain. Sound and vibration also impact our bio-energy fields, specifically our chakras/meridians, sound body, and aura.

Kaitlin works with crystal singing bowls specifically attuned to the energetic chakra system. Starting at the root chakra, she works up to the crown chakra. If she discovers dissonance along the way, she settles in to work on rebalancing the energetic pattern.

With sound healing, our minds can focus and at the same time relax, let-go, and receive. Sound healing has the power to:

  • Relax the nerve plexus, muscles, and tissues which in turn promotes blood and lymph circulation.
  • Balance autonomic nervous system to calm stress and revitalize fatigue.
  • Calm traumatized cells to help allow the body to accelerate its natural healing abilities and boost recovery.

The more you open, the more you receive.

  • Foundational Level 1 Sound Healing w/ Crystal Singing Bowls